Why should you choose FCS ?
Our clients rely on us to strengthen their IT Infrastructure and Security Policies and posture all the while eliminating excessive costs (Thales Canada, Quartet Service, Ontario Power Authority, Shoppers Drug Mart, and Government of Ontario).
Customers have found us easy to understand, reliable and creative to find the right solution to their issues. With our expertise we have simplified solutions, in complex cyber environment. And provide these solutions used by the biggest corporations in the world, readily available to our clients.
Value Driven
When we work with clients our focus
is always on delivering value to their organization. Our
goal is to make every client satisfied with our services by
going above and beyond what is expected. We have
worked with many top companies across the Greater
Toronto Area (GTA). Many of our clients are repeat
customers and have recommended our services on
numerous occasions

Embracing New Technologies
We do the work we do because we love it. Our passion
is in the Information Technology, Information Security,
and Information Systems industries. You can trust us to
deliver reliable service to your company or organization
on a consistent basis.

Passionate & Reliable
Our team of experts are on the cutting edge of new
technologies and solutions. We are always up to date
and current and upcoming technology trends.

Our Skills & Expertise
Our team of experts collectively has thousands of hours
of experience working in Information Technology,
Information Security, and Information Systems. We have
worked on teams providing day to day run support, on
critical projects and as part of IT/IS and Security design
initiatives. We have seen every type of IT organization,
situation, and incident that you could ever imagine. We
are very proud of our experts and know that you will be
happy with the work that they do for you.